
The Euroband was established in March 2006 by Friðrik Ómar and Regína Ósk who had both participated in the Icelandic National Song Contest earlier that year. Regína Ósk was the second runner up in the finals with ‘Þér við hlið’ and Friðrik Ómar ended up in third place with ‘Það sem verður’. Friðrik Ómar also put his mark on the INSC finals in 2007 when the song ‘Eldur’ was in second place.

The Euroband won the Icelandic final 2008 by miles with the song “This is my life” They performed in the second semi-final, on 22 May 2008 in Serbia which won them a place in the final on May 24 but that was the first time that Iceland made it to the final since the semi final system began. Euroband became the fans favourite and Fridrik and Regina have been asked to perform all around europe since.

Without a doubt they have managed to be the guests favourite everywhere they hit the stage with powerful and professional performance. Euroband specialize in performing the best Eurovision songs from 1956 until this day.



March 7, 2012

Rigg ehf stóð fyrir söfnunartónleikum fyrir Björgunarsveitina í Færeyjum þann 11. desember 2011. Þeir félagar Friðrik Ómar og Jógvan...

Íslendingar fjölmenna á Vinalögin

July 19, 2011

Þeir Friðrik og Jógvan hafa haldið yfir 20 tónleika það sem af er tónleikaferðinni í sumar og gengið vel....

Tónleikatúr Vinalaga farinn af stað !

June 16, 2011

Friðrik Ómar og Jógvan eru nú þegar farnir af stað um landið. Alls sækja þeir 24 staði heim og...